How To Choose A Physical Therapy Clinic

Seven Topics to consider when choosing an outpatient, Orthopedic or Sports-Oriented Physical Therapy Clinic.

You realize it’s time for a change. You want to decrease pain, improve motion, improve strength, improve endurance and/or learn better postures and body mechanics so you can live a healthier, happier, more pain free life.  But where do you start?

There are many factors that make up an exceptional physical therapy experience. Too often we see people at our facility, BreakThrough Physical Therapy, who have little faith in physical therapy. They have been to several other clinics, chiropractors or other allied professionals, but their doctor(s), colleague(s), friend(s) or family member(s) strongly urged them to try us rather than “living with it” or opting for more invasive procedures.  After continually evaluating patients that had gone through this frustration and expense, helping patients transition successfully during an out of area move, as well as countless friends and family members that live far away, I have compiled what I believe to be the top seven criteria which I hope will help you make an educated decision regarding the physical therapy portion of your health care team.  Once you decide on a physical therapy group, be sure you effectively communicate with your physical therapist (PT) and the support staff to ensure a positive, valuable experience which yields results so you can return to the lifestyle you deserve.

What do Physical Therapists do?

Understanding the role of an outpatient orthopedic physical therapist is crucial when choosing a clinic. These professionals specialize in treating dysfunctions related to joints, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. They focus on alleviating pain, restoring and improving range of motion, strength, and endurance, and optimizing overall function through a combination of manual, neuromuscular techniques, and pain management modalities. Physical therapists are also educators who tailor their approaches to the unique learning styles and responses of their patients.

Choosing a physical therapy provider has become more complex due to insurance constraints such as increasing copays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums, often accompanied by a lack of transparency from insurance carriers. This has led many to opt for private pay to avoid these hassles and ensure access to necessary care. It’s important to consider whether a clinic offers flexible service options like telehealth or Virtual Health Consultation (VHC) sessions, which can provide remote assistance anywhere globally. Additionally, assess whether the clinic offers cash-based programs that not only meet immediate physical therapy needs but also focus on preventive care to avoid future therapy. Look for a clinic that remains accessible and provides continuous support, even if you move or travel, ensuring continuity of care through services or referrals to local facilities.

What Does PT Cost?

Hospital-based physical therapy departments generally negotiate much higher rates than private facilities, potentially increasing your out-of-pocket costs by as much as 5 times, even if the hospital is “in-network.” Hospitals in the U.S. are now required to post their fees online, allowing patients to estimate costs more transparently. However, costs for the same services at a private facility, whether in or out of network, are typically lower.

When selecting a physical therapy provider, consider that you are the primary decision-maker in your healthcare. With the complexity of healthcare options and insurance limitations, it is crucial to choose providers that align with your health goals, financial situation, and schedule. BreakThrough Physical Therapy, for example, offers services like Virtual Health Consultation (VHC) to provide accessible support globally, catering especially to those with limited out-of-network benefits or unsatisfactory prior therapy experiences. This flexibility and patient-centered approach are vital in ensuring effective and affordable care.

How Do I Find the Best PT for MY Needs?

Here are the things to consider when making that decision.  In my opinion, not one of these is the most important, but when you find an organization that can support the majority of these consistently you will have probably found a good fit for you and your family in the years to come!

One on One Treatment Time
Tour the Facility
Experience and Certification


Assessing the overall professionalism of a physical therapy clinic begins from your first interaction, which may provide insights into what to expect regarding treatment, billing practices, scheduling, and communication with your referring physician. The initial contact, often by phone, can be telling about the quality of service you might receive. A well-trained front office staff will manage the call effectively, gather all necessary information to facilitate your visit, and might even verify your insurance details as a courtesy. Matching information from your insurance with what the clinic provides can boost your confidence in their handling of deductibles, copays, and visit limitations.

The way the clinic’s staff interacts with you during this initial contact is also a critical indicator of their professionalism. Respectful and efficient communication, genuine interest in your needs, and clear guidance on next steps are positive signs. Although a clinic cannot predict exact out-of-pocket costs or the precise timeline for treatment due to multiple variables and increasingly complex insurance procedures, transparency and a focus on your interests rather than their own are key indicators of a reputable provider. These factors collectively suggest that the clinic is likely to offer the kind of professional and supportive care that patients need.


When choosing a physical therapy provider, consider several critical factors that go beyond peer reviews of a therapist’s skills. It’s important to assess whether the organization supports the therapist effectively, particularly regarding the length and quality of each treatment session.

1. Duration of Sessions: Ensure you will receive sufficient one-on-one time with your therapist—typically, less than 30 minutes per session may not be enough to assess and progress your treatment effectively. Facilities offering shorter sessions may appear cost-effective due to being in-network, but you might end up requiring more sessions, increasing overall cost and time commitment. Ideally, 40-minute sessions strike a good balance between cost and effective treatment, though this can vary.

2. Consistency with Therapists: Consistency in seeing the same therapist each session is crucial for continuity in treatment. It ensures the therapist is familiar with your case and can adjust treatments based on your progress or any setbacks, rather than starting over with a new therapist each time.

3. Use of Assistants and Aides: Inquire if the clinic uses Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) or aides. PTAs are licensed professionals who can perform many treatment tasks under the supervision of a physical therapist, potentially improving the efficiency of your treatment. However, the role of aides, who are not licensed and typically receive on-the-job training, should be clear—they should assist with routine tasks, allowing the physical therapist to focus on more complex aspects of your care.

4. Telehealth and Virtual Health Consultation Availability: Check if the clinic offers telehealth or Virtual Health Consultation (VHC) sessions, which can provide flexibility and ensure that you have access to care when and where you need it.

5. Double-Booking Practices: Ask if the clinic double-books appointment slots. Clinics that do not double-book are more likely to provide dedicated and focused care during your session.

Evaluating these aspects will help you choose a clinic that not only has skilled physical therapists but also supports their skills with the right structure and resources, ensuring that you receive the best possible care tailored to your needs.


When selecting a physical therapy clinic, it’s beneficial to start your search online. Websites, virtual tours, online reviews, and social media can provide initial insights into the quality of a clinic and its services. Engaging in preliminary telehealth or Virtual Health Consultation (VHC) sessions can also help you gauge the clinic’s quality and how well you connect with the physical therapist. Referrals from friends, family, or your doctor are additionally valuable.

If you plan to undergo physical therapy, typically requiring visits twice a week for 4-6 weeks, it’s essential that you feel comfortable with the clinic’s staff, environment, and facilities. A virtual tour can offer a preliminary view, but an onsite visit is recommended for a comprehensive evaluation. During the visit, assess the cleanliness and organization of the space, the condition of the equipment, and whether the environment is conducive to your recovery needs, especially if you have sport-specific or advanced rehabilitation goals. Observing the state of equipment and the demeanor of the staff can also indicate the quality of care provided. Finally, ensure that the clinic adheres to stringent cleaning and safety protocols, particularly in the context of ongoing health concerns like COVID-19.



When choosing a physical therapist, it’s important to consider the balance between experience and a fresh perspective. Experienced therapists have the advantage of dealing with various patient conditions over the years, which can enhance their diagnostic and treatment skills. However, there’s a risk they might become complacent or stuck in routine methods. Conversely, younger or less experienced therapists may bring enthusiasm and a willingness to innovate, which can also be beneficial.

Here are some critical considerations when evaluating potential therapy providers:

  1. Service Offerings: Understand the full range of services a clinic provides. It’s advantageous to select a group like BreakThrough, which offers a diverse array of specialties including sports performance, orthopedics, TMJ, neurological conditions, ergonomics, and more. This variety ensures you and your family can rely on the same group for different health needs over time, saving you the effort of searching for new specialists with each new health issue.

  2. Therapist Experience: While the years of experience can be a helpful indicator of a therapist’s proficiency, new therapists also bring valuable skills. They hold doctoral degrees, have completed internships, passed licensure exams, and are chosen for their potential and fit within the team. The key is to find a balance that works for your specific needs.

  3. Support and Progress: It’s crucial to inquire about the support system in place if you’re not making expected progress. An ideal clinic facilitates regular interaction and knowledge sharing among therapists, like at BreakThrough, where therapists attend continuing education courses and share new knowledge with the team. This collaborative environment ensures that each patient benefits from collective expertise and support.

These factors can guide you in choosing a physical therapy clinic that not only meets your immediate needs but also supports your long-term health journey, offering both seasoned and innovative care options.


When selecting a physical therapy facility, it’s beneficial to consider if the therapists have specialized certifications, which can indicate a deeper expertise in specific treatment areas. Certifications such as Orthopedic Certified Specialist (OCS), Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC), and Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT), among others, demonstrate a therapist’s commitment to advancing their skills and staying abreast of the latest in their field. However, it’s important to balance this specialization with a comprehensive treatment approach to ensure all aspects of a patient’s health are considered.

While specialized knowledge is valuable, the ability of a therapist to apply a broad range of techniques and adapt to individual patient needs is crucial. A therapist should not rely solely on their specialized skills if those skills do not align with the best interest of the patient. The ideal therapist engages thoroughly with each patient’s unique situation—assessing not just the clinical symptoms but also considering personal and lifestyle factors that influence health outcomes. Therefore, when evaluating potential therapists, it’s not only their credentials that matter but also their ability to provide holistic, patient-centered care within an organization that supports such an approach. This ensures that the therapist can use their expertise effectively to benefit your overall health and well-being, making them a true expert in managing your care.


Being “in network” with your insurance provides financial protections due to negotiated fee schedules but also imposes restrictions that might limit the quality and frequency of your care. For example, insurance contracts may cap the number of covered sessions or the total amount payable annually, potentially restricting the necessary extent of treatment for conditions like a lumbar spine fusion. These limitations can disrupt treatment continuity, as frequent pre-authorizations may be required, diverting your therapist’s focus from care to compliance.

Moreover, insurance constraints may dictate fewer therapy sessions than ideal, prompting consideration of out-of-network providers for more personalized care without contractual limitations. It’s crucial to be wary of insurance promises like “unlimited PT based on medical necessity,” which often come with hidden bureaucratic processes that can impede access to needed care. Always verify your benefits directly with your insurance carrier, as the accuracy of information from insurance representatives can vary, and organizations are limited by what they are told.


When choosing a physical therapy clinic, consider the convenience of location and scheduling options that fit your daily routine, such as before or after work or during daytime hours. While location was once a primary factor for referrals, the quality of care and patient outcomes are increasingly recognized as important, influencing physicians’ referral patterns. If you are dissatisfied with your therapy experience, provide constructive feedback directly to the clinic and inform the referrer to help improve their future recommendations. Also, verify if the clinic offers online sessions to ensure continuous support regardless of your location. Many patients now leverage online tools like social media and review sites to inform their choice of provider, emphasizing that you have the freedom to choose where to receive therapy, much like filling a prescription.


Your health is important so take it seriously.  While you might save $10-$50 per visit on an in network facility, how much does it cost you if they are unable to provide you the experience and results you desire?  Because we want to provide the level of care and results you deserve, we strive to be in network with as many insurance plans as we can.  Unfortunately it has become increasingly difficult to do so based on the administrative burden insurance companies are placing on the practitioners as well as the reduced reimbursements.  Nobody can guarantee how you will progress, but a good facility will be forthcoming after the initial evaluation and provide you with a plan and maintain open communication with you about their thoughts and your options, including consideration of your financial concerns.  They will listen to and work with you for your benefit, not theirs. As indicated earlier in this article, often people think that by going in network, even if to a hospital based group that they will save money, only to find out that a hospital based group has a higher contracted rate so an in network session there may cost you 3-5x that of an out of network private group.

At BreakThrough we hope that our patients view their time and monies spent here as an investment in their health, not an expense.  Please be aware of the difference between an “investment” and an “expense” as you make your final decision.

As you can see, choosing your health care practitioner and specifically your physical therapist is not an easy task. When it comes to your health, you need someone who is an expert, works for an organization that is focused on you and your needs as much as they can, and is engaged in your overall health and well being, not just your current symptoms. Ultimately you make the decisions about your health and need to take the necessary time to find an organization that you believe can best serve you and your family’s needs now and in the future.  I hope that this gives you some good ideas as to what to ask of a clinic you are considering and of yourself.

Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our Care Coordinators so they can learn about you, ask detailed questions and help you figure out what you need.

For more information regarding BreakThrough Physical Therapy or other informational articles like this please visit:

What do Physical Therapists do?

Understanding the role of an outpatient orthopedic physical therapist is crucial when choosing a clinic. These professionals specialize in treating dysfunctions related to joints, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. They focus on alleviating pain, restoring and improving range of motion, strength, and endurance, and optimizing overall function through a combination of manual, neuromuscular techniques, and pain management modalities. Physical therapists are also educators who tailor their approaches to the unique learning styles and responses of their patients.

Choosing a physical therapy provider has become more complex due to insurance constraints such as increasing copays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums, often accompanied by a lack of transparency from insurance carriers. This has led many to opt for private pay to avoid these hassles and ensure access to necessary care. It’s important to consider whether a clinic offers flexible service options like telehealth or Virtual Health Consultation (VHC) sessions, which can provide remote assistance anywhere globally. Additionally, assess whether the clinic offers cash-based programs that not only meet immediate physical therapy needs but also focus on preventive care to avoid future therapy. Look for a clinic that remains accessible and provides continuous support, even if you move or travel, ensuring continuity of care through services or referrals to local facilities.

What Does PT Cost?

Hospital-based physical therapy departments generally negotiate much higher rates than private facilities, potentially increasing your out-of-pocket costs by as much as 5 times, even if the hospital is “in-network.” Hospitals in the U.S. are now required to post their fees online, allowing patients to estimate costs more transparently. However, costs for the same services at a private facility, whether in or out of network, are typically lower.

When selecting a physical therapy provider, consider that you are the primary decision-maker in your healthcare. With the complexity of healthcare options and insurance limitations, it is crucial to choose providers that align with your health goals, financial situation, and schedule. BreakThrough Physical Therapy, for example, offers services like Virtual Health Consultation (VHC) to provide accessible support globally, catering especially to those with limited out-of-network benefits or unsatisfactory prior therapy experiences. This flexibility and patient-centered approach are vital in ensuring effective and affordable care.

How Do I Find the Best PT for MY Needs?

Here are the things to consider when making that decision.  In my opinion, not one of these is the most important, but when you find an organization that can support the majority of these consistently you will have probably found a good fit for you and your family in the years to come!

One on One Treatment Time
Tour the Facility
Experience and Certification


Assessing the overall professionalism of a physical therapy clinic begins from your first interaction, which may provide insights into what to expect regarding treatment, billing practices, scheduling, and communication with your referring physician. The initial contact, often by phone, can be telling about the quality of service you might receive. A well-trained front office staff will manage the call effectively, gather all necessary information to facilitate your visit, and might even verify your insurance details as a courtesy. Matching information from your insurance with what the clinic provides can boost your confidence in their handling of deductibles, copays, and visit limitations.

The way the clinic’s staff interacts with you during this initial contact is also a critical indicator of their professionalism. Respectful and efficient communication, genuine interest in your needs, and clear guidance on next steps are positive signs. Although a clinic cannot predict exact out-of-pocket costs or the precise timeline for treatment due to multiple variables and increasingly complex insurance procedures, transparency and a focus on your interests rather than their own are key indicators of a reputable provider. These factors collectively suggest that the clinic is likely to offer the kind of professional and supportive care that patients need.


When choosing a physical therapy provider, consider several critical factors that go beyond peer reviews of a therapist’s skills. It’s important to assess whether the organization supports the therapist effectively, particularly regarding the length and quality of each treatment session.

1. Duration of Sessions: Ensure you will receive sufficient one-on-one time with your therapist—typically, less than 30 minutes per session may not be enough to assess and progress your treatment effectively. Facilities offering shorter sessions may appear cost-effective due to being in-network, but you might end up requiring more sessions, increasing overall cost and time commitment. Ideally, 40-minute sessions strike a good balance between cost and effective treatment, though this can vary.

2. Consistency with Therapists: Consistency in seeing the same therapist each session is crucial for continuity in treatment. It ensures the therapist is familiar with your case and can adjust treatments based on your progress or any setbacks, rather than starting over with a new therapist each time.

3. Use of Assistants and Aides: Inquire if the clinic uses Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) or aides. PTAs are licensed professionals who can perform many treatment tasks under the supervision of a physical therapist, potentially improving the efficiency of your treatment. However, the role of aides, who are not licensed and typically receive on-the-job training, should be clear—they should assist with routine tasks, allowing the physical therapist to focus on more complex aspects of your care.

4. Telehealth and Virtual Health Consultation Availability: Check if the clinic offers telehealth or Virtual Health Consultation (VHC) sessions, which can provide flexibility and ensure that you have access to care when and where you need it.

5. Double-Booking Practices: Ask if the clinic double-books appointment slots. Clinics that do not double-book are more likely to provide dedicated and focused care during your session.

Evaluating these aspects will help you choose a clinic that not only has skilled physical therapists but also supports their skills with the right structure and resources, ensuring that you receive the best possible care tailored to your needs.


When selecting a physical therapy clinic, it’s beneficial to start your search online. Websites, virtual tours, online reviews, and social media can provide initial insights into the quality of a clinic and its services. Engaging in preliminary telehealth or Virtual Health Consultation (VHC) sessions can also help you gauge the clinic’s quality and how well you connect with the physical therapist. Referrals from friends, family, or your doctor are additionally valuable.

If you plan to undergo physical therapy, typically requiring visits twice a week for 4-6 weeks, it’s essential that you feel comfortable with the clinic’s staff, environment, and facilities. A virtual tour can offer a preliminary view, but an onsite visit is recommended for a comprehensive evaluation. During the visit, assess the cleanliness and organization of the space, the condition of the equipment, and whether the environment is conducive to your recovery needs, especially if you have sport-specific or advanced rehabilitation goals. Observing the state of equipment and the demeanor of the staff can also indicate the quality of care provided. Finally, ensure that the clinic adheres to stringent cleaning and safety protocols, particularly in the context of ongoing health concerns like COVID-19.



When choosing a physical therapist, it’s important to consider the balance between experience and a fresh perspective. Experienced therapists have the advantage of dealing with various patient conditions over the years, which can enhance their diagnostic and treatment skills. However, there’s a risk they might become complacent or stuck in routine methods. Conversely, younger or less experienced therapists may bring enthusiasm and a willingness to innovate, which can also be beneficial.

Here are some critical considerations when evaluating potential therapy providers:

  1. Service Offerings: Understand the full range of services a clinic provides. It’s advantageous to select a group like BreakThrough, which offers a diverse array of specialties including sports performance, orthopedics, TMJ, neurological conditions, ergonomics, and more. This variety ensures you and your family can rely on the same group for different health needs over time, saving you the effort of searching for new specialists with each new health issue.

  2. Therapist Experience: While the years of experience can be a helpful indicator of a therapist’s proficiency, new therapists also bring valuable skills. They hold doctoral degrees, have completed internships, passed licensure exams, and are chosen for their potential and fit within the team. The key is to find a balance that works for your specific needs.

  3. Support and Progress: It’s crucial to inquire about the support system in place if you’re not making expected progress. An ideal clinic facilitates regular interaction and knowledge sharing among therapists, like at BreakThrough, where therapists attend continuing education courses and share new knowledge with the team. This collaborative environment ensures that each patient benefits from collective expertise and support.

These factors can guide you in choosing a physical therapy clinic that not only meets your immediate needs but also supports your long-term health journey, offering both seasoned and innovative care options.


When selecting a physical therapy facility, it’s beneficial to consider if the therapists have specialized certifications, which can indicate a deeper expertise in specific treatment areas. Certifications such as Orthopedic Certified Specialist (OCS), Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC), and Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT), among others, demonstrate a therapist’s commitment to advancing their skills and staying abreast of the latest in their field. However, it’s important to balance this specialization with a comprehensive treatment approach to ensure all aspects of a patient’s health are considered.

While specialized knowledge is valuable, the ability of a therapist to apply a broad range of techniques and adapt to individual patient needs is crucial. A therapist should not rely solely on their specialized skills if those skills do not align with the best interest of the patient. The ideal therapist engages thoroughly with each patient’s unique situation—assessing not just the clinical symptoms but also considering personal and lifestyle factors that influence health outcomes. Therefore, when evaluating potential therapists, it’s not only their credentials that matter but also their ability to provide holistic, patient-centered care within an organization that supports such an approach. This ensures that the therapist can use their expertise effectively to benefit your overall health and well-being, making them a true expert in managing your care.


Being “in network” with your insurance provides financial protections due to negotiated fee schedules but also imposes restrictions that might limit the quality and frequency of your care. For example, insurance contracts may cap the number of covered sessions or the total amount payable annually, potentially restricting the necessary extent of treatment for conditions like a lumbar spine fusion. These limitations can disrupt treatment continuity, as frequent pre-authorizations may be required, diverting your therapist’s focus from care to compliance.

Moreover, insurance constraints may dictate fewer therapy sessions than ideal, prompting consideration of out-of-network providers for more personalized care without contractual limitations. It’s crucial to be wary of insurance promises like “unlimited PT based on medical necessity,” which often come with hidden bureaucratic processes that can impede access to needed care. Always verify your benefits directly with your insurance carrier, as the accuracy of information from insurance representatives can vary, and organizations are limited by what they are told.


When choosing a physical therapy clinic, consider the convenience of location and scheduling options that fit your daily routine, such as before or after work or during daytime hours. While location was once a primary factor for referrals, the quality of care and patient outcomes are increasingly recognized as important, influencing physicians’ referral patterns. If you are dissatisfied with your therapy experience, provide constructive feedback directly to the clinic and inform the referrer to help improve their future recommendations. Also, verify if the clinic offers online sessions to ensure continuous support regardless of your location. Many patients now leverage online tools like social media and review sites to inform their choice of provider, emphasizing that you have the freedom to choose where to receive therapy, much like filling a prescription.


Your health is important so take it seriously.  While you might save $10-$50 per visit on an in network facility, how much does it cost you if they are unable to provide you the experience and results you desire?  Because we want to provide the level of care and results you deserve, we strive to be in network with as many insurance plans as we can.  Unfortunately it has become increasingly difficult to do so based on the administrative burden insurance companies are placing on the practitioners as well as the reduced reimbursements.  Nobody can guarantee how you will progress, but a good facility will be forthcoming after the initial evaluation and provide you with a plan and maintain open communication with you about their thoughts and your options, including consideration of your financial concerns.  They will listen to and work with you for your benefit, not theirs. As indicated earlier in this article, often people think that by going in network, even if to a hospital based group that they will save money, only to find out that a hospital based group has a higher contracted rate so an in network session there may cost you 3-5x that of an out of network private group.

At BreakThrough we hope that our patients view their time and monies spent here as an investment in their health, not an expense.  Please be aware of the difference between an “investment” and an “expense” as you make your final decision.

As you can see, choosing your health care practitioner and specifically your physical therapist is not an easy task. When it comes to your health, you need someone who is an expert, works for an organization that is focused on you and your needs as much as they can, and is engaged in your overall health and well being, not just your current symptoms. Ultimately you make the decisions about your health and need to take the necessary time to find an organization that you believe can best serve you and your family’s needs now and in the future.  I hope that this gives you some good ideas as to what to ask of a clinic you are considering and of yourself.

Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our Care Coordinators so they can learn about you, ask detailed questions and help you figure out what you need.

For more information regarding BreakThrough Physical Therapy or other informational articles like this please visit: