Telehealth Experience

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Learn how to prevent pain and enjoy better Wellness Health

If you are like most people out there with minor aches and pains, feeling of stiffness and limited flexibility in the mornings or sore after a long or stressful day, our Telehealth Experience is probably just what you need. Have you been searching Google for answers, but not obtained the proper results? Do you feel you are slowly going backwards and it is just a matter of time until you will need formal physical therapy services, expensive MD visits, potential imaging, prescriptions or even urgent surgical intervention if you don’t “course correct”? BreakThrough’s Telehealth Experience is designed to help you and so many others on a worldwide basis to stop the slow, frustrating downward spiral, reduce your ultimate financial, time and emotional involvement in these issues and get you right back on track in a hurry.

  • Reduce your risk for injury
  • Ensure you are maximizing your time, monetary commitment and efforts for optimal results
  • Provide expert assessment and advice on body mechanics and exercise instruction to help you function with less pain
  • Provide guidance with your flexibility, strength and agility program to ensure you perform at your best and make the most of your time and efforts
  • Offer early detection of causes which often lead to bigger problems later and immediate “course correction”
  • Assess and advise for where to obtain one on one, more comprehensive local evaluation and assistance as appropriate

If you are an HR director, we customize programs to companies worldwide for remote telehealth ergonomic evaluations and guidance.

Call (408-736-7600) or Contact Us for more information about how our unique and world renowned Telehealth Experience will help you better understand your strengths and weaknesses, prevent injury and improve performance. We rely on open and honest communication through HIPAA compliant synchronous video.  While nothing replaces an in person session, we have been able to help many people take their first step to success at a low cost, low time commitment and maximal value!