Lacrosse Sports Performance

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Learn how to avoid injury and improve sports performance.

Lacrosse is an extremely physically demanding sport which requires an incredible combination of strength, agility, power, speed and endurance. Next to football and hockey it is probably the next most physical sport around with extensive contact. While the equipment continues to improve, to be truly competitive and as safe as possible a lacrosse player today must perform a strength and conditioning program that is above what they typically get during practice and in the weight room. They need a dynamic functional program that addresses all aspects of the game. That’s why many athletes in the area add a sports performance program with us in order to ensure that they are performing at their very best and ready for the challenges, sudden impact from various angles and field conditions. Whether you just want to enjoy your high school lacrosse experience or seeking higher level performance in preparation for or during your junior college or collegiate athletic career, we can help!

With our Lacrosse Sports Performance program it’s as easy as 1-2-3:
1) We will first learn about you, your current status and goals for the future.
2) We will then perform a thorough evaluation to assess movement patterns, strength, flexibility and agility.
3) We will explain our findings and design a mutually agreeable program which enables you to achieve your goals.

Check out Johnny’s story!

Other Great Lacrosse Resources:
Stop Lacrosse Sports Injuries

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What’s the Buzz?

My daughter developed a stress fracture due to over-training and lack of proper guidance. She had to sit out her sophomore season and we were afraid her running career would be over. Her self-confidence was way down and we had serious concerns, but thanks to BreakThrough she is “back on track” and continuously improving her times as well as enjoyment for cross country. Thank you!

My shin splints were killing me and I had to pull out of my last race. Thanks to Prina helped me avoid needing a boot and really being on the sidelines. I am now increasing my mileage and am so excited to have the support of your Sports Performance Program!

I PR’ed this weekend and I cannot thank Irina enough for all the hard work and dedication she put in to help me accomplish my goal!!