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Learn how to avoid injury and improve sports performance.

The best soccer players take time off the field to develop athleticism.  Taking the time and effort to develop flexibility, power, strength, speed, agility, form/mechanics, core strength and endurance allows each athlete to master their skills which enables them to perform at their highest level possible.  What good are your skills if you can’t utilize them at your full potential?  “Luck favors the prepared” and our Beyond Performance program will prepare you to be the best athlete you can be.  Will you be ready when the time comes? Will you be fast enough, strong enough and be able to keep up with the best athletes on the field?  Call now to perform BEYOND your expectations.

“I am amazed at how much lighter and quicker I feel on my feet.  I’ve caught people that blew past me last year and am playing on a whole new level as a result of a lot of hard work on my end guided by Jason and Wendy who made it fun for all of us.” T.S., Sunnyvale

BEYOND will help you:

  • Improve cutting and agility for quick changes in direction
  • Develop stamina for consistent high level game play and all-out continuous effort
  • Increase speed to cover more field faster
  • Improve leg and core power leading to greater aerial ability for goalies to make needed saves and headers
  • Improve leg and core power for all positions to shoot harder
  • Balance and stability for decreased soccer injuries


Check out the video below to see how we were able to help Central Valley Soccer’s Nationally Ranked U12 girls soccer program. These are not “growing pains” and we can help!

FIFA 11+ Soccer Instruction and MORE!

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What’s the Buzz?

My daughter developed a stress fracture due to over-training and lack of proper guidance. She had to sit out her sophomore season and we were afraid her running career would be over. Her self-confidence was way down and we had serious concerns, but thanks to BreakThrough she is “back on track” and continuously improving her times as well as enjoyment for cross country. Thank you!

My shin splints were killing me and I had to pull out of my last race. Thanks to Prina helped me avoid needing a boot and really being on the sidelines. I am now increasing my mileage and am so excited to have the support of your Sports Performance Program!

I PR’ed this weekend and I cannot thank Irina enough for all the hard work and dedication she put in to help me accomplish my goal!!