News & Articles

Tag: Ergonomics

Ask BreakThrough
Why HR Should Focus on Ergonomics
Paul Bergeron has put together a great article addressing ergonomics considerations in the workplace, especially in the post COVID era with more work from home
Postural Restoration
Pelvic Floor PT: More Than Kegels

Are you having issues with incontinence or pelvic dysfunction? Are you male or female genetically? This article emphasizes the importance of adapting a multi-disciplinary approach

Postural Restoration
Mary McMillan – A True PT Pioneer

Happy Women’s History Month!   To honor Women’s History Month, BreakThrough would like to take this opportunity to honor one of the first-ever female physical

physical therapy
The Road to Recovery

Ever had that nagging shoulder pain that won’t let you carry groceries easily? Or that lower pain that won’t allow you to carry your toddler?


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