Virtual Health Consultation


Virtual Health Consultation, or VHC, is a remote tool to receive expert guidance that is guaranteed to help you overcome challenges you face in your daily activities, exercise routines, or sport performance goals. Those who want to receive trusted and expert help from the comfort of their own home, hotel, office or any other convenient location, will find it with VHC. Sessions are conducted through our secure, virtual platform and help you:

  • feel heard and understood
  • save time
  • reduce frustration
  • save money
  • answer key questions about your situation
  • get on the right path to improved health and wellness
  • navigate the medical system by finding the right providers for your goals
  • and more…

Patient Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

Telehealth is appropriate for those who have visited a doctor’s office, received a referral, and need Physical Therapy or other medically necessary services. VHC provides you with guidance that is not “medically necessary”.

Individuals who have recurring or worsening issues with their mobility, exercise routines, or sports performance goals. VHC also benefits individuals who are seeking to develop healthy ergonomic practices for work-from-home spaces, and more. VHC enables you to navigate the medical system more efficiently. For example, your back may be hurting and you are unsure if you should see your general practitioner, an orthopedist, a physiatrist, a neurologist, chiropractor, PT or acupuncturist. BreakThrough will listen, ask key questions and then help you get to the right place quickly to save you time and money.

Our Care Team will need to first learn more about your situation and goals. Once they have a better understanding, they will be able to guide you to the most cost effective and efficient plan for you. They will be happy to discuss cost per session as well as package options. Since VHC is not a medically necessary service, insurance will not be billed. Many clients have been able to successfully obtain reimbursement through FSA, HSA and other company sponsored benefits.

No, VHC is a service which can be used remotely anywhere in the world. You do not need to reside or be present in the Bay Area or the state of California at the time of service.

Similar to an in-person session, therapists can take accurate measurements remotely, as well as assess range of motion and movement. By seeing your home, business, or personal surroundings, our therapists can objectively see your motion and movements, then provide recommendations to improve your performance of daily routines, home exercise regimens, and home office ergonomics. For example, we can assess your workspace posture and help you avoid or remedy improper ergonomics and avoid future complications.

All you need to participate in VHC is a Wi-Fi connection and either a mobile device or a laptop or computer. If you do not have a Google/Gmail account, you may only connect using a laptop or desktop; otherwise, you may use a smartphone, tablet or other mobile device. Here you can find instructions for preparing for your VHC

Our VHC experience is specifically designed for people of all ages and abilities.

Training for an event?

Stuck on a business trip or in pain while on vacation?

-Benefit from personalized training routines designed specifically for you to help you stay strong and independent as you age. -Prevent falls and increase mobility with tailored exercises that focus on your balance and coordination. -Enjoy working out in the comfort of your own home without expensive equipment or gym memberships. -Get started today with a virtual consultation with one of our experts.

-Benefit from individualized assessment and guidance so that they build the confidence they require for success -Ensure they increase their playing time and reach their full potential -Prevent unneeded time off from sport, costly medical visits, imaging or even surgery -Help them become a stronger, more confident athlete who enjoys playing sports, develop increased self confidence and improved body image

-YouTube and Chat groups can only provide you with so much, obtain one on one evaluation and guidance with BreakThrough’s program -We get it, you don’t want to pay for your deductible and deal with the medical and insurance system if you do not have to -Don’t wait until your injury is unbearable to seek help. Early intervention can speed up the healing process and save you a lot of time, frustration and money -Start living pain-free with BreakThrough’s proven methods

-Share your story with us and our experts will help guide you to obtain improved understanding of your prognosis -Obtain help finding the right specialist for you based on your location, insurance, and more -Benefit from step-by-step, individualized guidance -Receive clear follow-up care recommendations

-Avoid chronic pain and discomfort with ergonomic advice from our experts -Eliminate guesswork when it comes to proper positioning and setup -Get relief from existing pain and prevent new injuries from occurring -Learn critical stretching and strengthening tips for your situation and ensure you are doing them properly -Convenient online consultation service that fits into your busy schedule

– We have a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping you get the best care possible – Gain peace of mind by knowing that you’re seeing the right specialist for your condition.

-BreakThrough is here to help you know for sure if it is just growing pains or something more -All growing pains and return to activities can be minimized with proper guidance -Ensure your child is getting the best, most cost effective care possible -Gain access to experts who are trusted worldwide

-Stop taking medication that has not helped you, but was prescribed due to failure to properly diagnose the cause of your symptoms -Obtain guidance from experienced professionals that have solved vestibular issues, vertigo and dizziness for many across the globe -Proper assessment and guidance improves activities of daily living, quality of life, and reduces fall risk -Obtain a custom program that is specific to your needs and goals.

-Pelvic floor issues are extremely limiting, sometimes embarrassing and often sometimes progressive if left untreated. Don’t wait. Improve your quality of life today. -Regain control over your body. -Be heard in the safety and comfort of your own home, then obtain the best possible care. -Obtain guidance with what specialists you should see. Save time and money by going to the right specialist(s) from the beginning.

-Get the help you need to resolve mastitis and other post-pregnancy health issues -Recover from pain more quickly with individualized assessment and guidance -Improve your posture and body mechanics for all tasks related to motherhood for better overall health -Obtain the results you need in the convenience of your own home

-Improve your health and fitness before, during, and after your pregnancy -Stay safe and healthy while working out -Choosing the right gear can make a difference in your success as a parent -Get tips on what to look for when choosing baby equipment -Learn about the features that are important to consider -Make sure you’re set up for success when you bring your little one home

– Achieve your fitness goals with expert help. – Get the most out of your training with tailored advice. – Transform your body and feel more confident. – Reach new levels in your sport and crush your competition.

BreakThrough is always available for you!

Please use our fillable form below to contact our Care Team for additional information and scheduling.

What’s the Buzz?

My daughter developed a stress fracture due to over-training and lack of proper guidance. She had to sit out her sophomore season and we were afraid her running career would be over. Her self-confidence was way down and we had serious concerns, but thanks to BreakThrough she is “back on track” and continuously improving her times as well as enjoyment for cross country. Thank you!

My shin splints were killing me and I had to pull out of my last race. Thanks to Prina helped me avoid needing a boot and really being on the sidelines. I am now increasing my mileage and am so excited to have the support of your Sports Performance Program!

I PR’ed this weekend and I cannot thank Irina enough for all the hard work and dedication she put in to help me accomplish my goal!!