Weightlifting / Powerlifting

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Weightlifting is an exciting and growing strength sport that has been getting attention lately. There are many variations and it can be overwhelming. To simplify it, note that here are some information that can be helpful to you as you start or continue your journey in weight training. Weightlifting is a broad term to describe training with weights as resistance with a physical related goal in mind.

There are 3 main types:


Powerlifting tests your body’s maximum capability in the three big lifts: Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. Each of these lifts focus on different parts of the body, but are ultimately focused on showing how efficient your body is at pushing or pulling a barbell at your maximum capacity. We believe that everyone has the ability to participate in this sport and realize their strength potential while remaining injury free or resolving lingering issues that could be hindering performance.

Olympic Lifting

Olympic lifting focuses on ballistic and explosiveness movements to complete these power based lifts: clean, snatch and the jerk ; while still having the goal to lift high weights. This is the most technical of the various types. We believe that athletes looking to push their limits in this style of exercise can see their numbers increase in these lifts and see their athletic performance improve while being able to resolve any lingering issues that might be holding you back.


Bodybuilding is an approach that focuses more on maximizing muscle mass through hypertrophy to accomplish specific physique goals. Body builders also frequently use the main lifts involved with powerlifting and olympic lifting, but have more focus on the exercises that will give the most number of muscle fiber contraction with a mind-body/muscle connection.

Because of the nuance behind each of these lifts and the overwhelming amount of information involved, we can help guide you on your journey towards your fitness and physique goals. To safely practice, It is essential to practice slowly to build a strong and stable form to support high loads. To do this, we will use video to breakdown and analyze the different forms in all planes of motion to make sure that you are performing the lift correctly and feeling the right muscles work. Video is also a great way to track progress and see your body change over time! Let us show you how you can safely lift more weight than you ever imagined!

With all of our Sports Performance programs it’s as easy as 1-2-3:
1) We will first learn about you, your current status and goals for the future.
2) We will then perform a thorough evaluation to assess movement patterns, strength, flexibility and agility.
3) We will explain our findings and design a mutually agreeable program which enables you to achieve your goals.

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What’s the Buzz?

My daughter developed a stress fracture due to over-training and lack of proper guidance. She had to sit out her sophomore season and we were afraid her running career would be over. Her self-confidence was way down and we had serious concerns, but thanks to BreakThrough she is “back on track” and continuously improving her times as well as enjoyment for cross country. Thank you!

My shin splints were killing me and I had to pull out of my last race. Thanks to Prina helped me avoid needing a boot and really being on the sidelines. I am now increasing my mileage and am so excited to have the support of your Sports Performance Program!

I PR’ed this weekend and I cannot thank Irina enough for all the hard work and dedication she put in to help me accomplish my goal!!