Live Without The Minor Pains Of Life.
Reduce Injures From Sports And Daily Activities.

Sports Performance



Injury Prevention

Working with YOUR HR Team has been an
incredible experience for all of us at BreakThrough

We love working with companies that truly care about their employees and YOUR COMPANY has made it clear that they want you and your family to be comfortable, happy and as efficient as possible. Our clients ensure their employees:


  • Are more efficient in less time due to reduced minor aches and pains
  • Have more time for personal hobbies and family time
  • Reduce the need for medical intervention such as MD visits, formal physical therapy, imaging, medications, injections or even surgical intervention

Abbreviated Sample Ergonomic Evaluation

Abbreviated Sample Ergonomic Follow Up

In Your 25 Minute Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation and 4-6 week Follow Up, We Guarantee:

  • You’ll learn a couple key tips for instant implementation for posture and body mechanics
  • You’ll learn a couple key exercises for your situation and goals
  • You’ll know that YOUR COMPANY and all of us here at BreakThrough care about you and your wellbeing

In A Private Virtual Consultation, We Guarantee:

  • You’ll have several of your questions answered
  • You’ll learn more about what is holding you back
  • You’ll obtain a couple key tips to help you achieve your goals
  • You’ll know that YOUR COMPANY and all of us here at BreakThrough care about you and your wellbeing


See what others have accomplished with our help.

Sports Performance

We can change lives for athletes and every-day people who enjoy active pursuits. By keeping them injury free and moving better, they can keep doing what they love — be it playing soccer, volleyball or hiking in Iceland like Brian did.

What People Are Saying

Yun D.

“I had neck pain for 10+ years but after working with therapist Jen, my neck pain improved a lot. Even at the end of a busy day, I don’t have pain anymore from sitting at my desk all day long. The exercises Jen gave me help prevent any stiffness and keep me pain free. Thank you so much Jen!”

Tehmina K.

“At BreakThrough, they truly understood my pain and issues and took time to correctly identify my issues. The exercises I received me made a huge difference in reducing my pain and improving my quality of life during pregnancy. I could actually feel and see my progress improve quickly! It’s changed my attitude and I feel stronger and glad I finally have the tools to feel better!”

Sally T.

“The ergonomic evaluation and follow up my employer provided me through BreakThrough has already helped reduce my neck and shoulder pain from an 8/10 most of the day down to a 4/10 at its worst and I am off of all pain medications already! Thank you all for supporting us in this way!“

Jennifer L.

“After my ergonomics evaluation and follow up, I learned BreakThrough could help me with my aging mom for fall prevention and balance training tips and my son is now taking virtual sports performance sessions with BreakThrough. What an unbelievable organization that is truly passionate to share their knowledge and expertise with the world!“

Courtesy of YOUR COMPANY,
Get Evaluated Today!